Virtual Speakers (Espoo-Hyvinkää, Finland)


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Virtual Speakers (Espoo, Hyvinkää in Finland) is unique in Europe – and we believe in the rest of the world: it communicates by means of video conferencing between two KONE* sites creating a virtual interaction space for speakers and evaluators. It thus offers the ideal environment to experience and train with video presentations, an important aspect of today’s professional communications.

Virtual Speakers welcome you! Virtual Speakers welcome you on Kone’s sites in Espoo and Hyvinkää

I asked Luis Garcia, one of the founders of the club and current president, what were the main differences between his club and any other Toastmasters club:

Communicating with the support of video technology is generally new to our members and guests: they have to tame the camera first. This requires to have one’s gestures and voice steered to it and keep the eye contact with the beam.  Beginners always feel a little bit nervous about the presence of this tool. Speaking to the camera also implies a clear enunciation and pronunciation and, being direct, especially when…

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